Photo gallery: #RiseUp4Revolution days of action in Wales and England

The 18 and 19th July was an international day of solidarity with the revolution in Rojava. The international statement calling for action read:

We, as Women Defend Rojava, the Internationalist Commune, Make Rojava Green Again, and RiseUp4Rojava, are, therefore, calling for global action days on the 18th and 19th July against colonialism, fascism, patriarchy and femicides, ecological destruction, and all forms of oppression. We will demonstrate, occupy, blockade, protest in creative forms all around the world, and show our common antifascist struggle in one front, letting the ones who prevent us from living in dignity and freedom know what we think of them. Therefore, we are calling upon everyone to join these actions days and to share them with us!


The revolution in the Middle East, and all around the world will win – fascism will be crushed.

Video statement released by Riseup4Rojava:

And Women Defend Rojava:

In response to the call, Kurdistan Solidarity Network and comrades took part in actions across Wales and England, alongside Scottish Solidarity with Kuridstan.

In the run up to the days of action friends at the HS2 eco-defence camp raised this banner, calling for #FreedomforOcalan.

In the early hours of Saturday morning comrades held a banner drop over a busy motorway near Cardiff:

Kurdish Solidarity Cymru read out a solidarity statement for revolutionary women throughout history and all over the world in Cardiff city centre:

A mural was created in South Wales to commemorate those who have fallen since the revolution:

A communications blockade was held against the TUI travel agency, calling for it to end its complicity with Turkish fascism:

Socially distanced pickets were held outside TUI in cardiff and Brighton:


In Brighton a statement for three women who were killed by the Turkish state earlier this month was read outside the EDO MBM arms factory. The factory, owned by multinational corporation Harris, supplies drone equipment to Turkey. A Turkish drone strike recently killed Zehra Berkel, member of the co-ordination committee of the women’s movement of Northeast Syria, Kongreya Star as well as Amina Weysi, the 60 year old woman in whose house they were meeting, and political activist Hebun Mele Khelil.

Outside EDO-MBM/Harris

While London Kurdistan Solidarity alongside Plan C London, Women Defend Rojava and friends from the Women’s Asamblea Chilena en Londres and Collective Action for Iraq celebrated eight years since the Rojava revolution in Trafalgar Square:


The Rojava revolution has seen the blossoming of a Cooperative solidarity economy. Co-Ops across Wales and England sent solidarity messages on the anniversary of the revolution following a call from the Solidarity Economy Association:

Comrades also took solidarity pictures in Wales and in Bristol:

Solidarity from Cymru
Bristol Sisterhood say ‘Defend the Rojava Revolution’
Taken in Lincoln
From Cymru

Finally, the Kurdish Women’s movement in these Isles organised a webinar on ‘Feminicide, and the answer of Women’s Self Defence’ – a recording of the talk can be found here.

Jin Jiyan Azadi, Long live the revolution

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