US Citizen David Taylor (Zafer Qerecox) Martyred in Syria

U.S. national David Taylor, also known as Zafer Qerecox, became the latest internationalist fighter to be martyred in the battle against the ISIS in Raqqa on July 16, 2017. He had joined the YPG in May.

A YPG press release said Taylor was born in February 1991 to a working-class family and studied philosophy at a university before spending four years in the U.S. military.


In the video above, he says: “I joined the YPG to fight ISIS and do whatever I can to help the revolution here. The education that I have gotten here has dealt with ideology, weapons and various tactics. I just want to say hello to my family. I miss you guys, and hopefully I’ll see you soon.”

“Long live free Kurdistan! Long live the YPG. Long live the YPJ.”

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