AUDIO Democratic Confederalism: Building the movement for a democratic society

A recording of our discussion on 25 March about Democratic Confederalism: Building the movement for a Democratic Society. This meeting was held at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic. It was held over Zoom, as we were unable to meet in person.

It was part of a series of workshops on learning from the Kurdish Freedom Movement, the rest of the series was cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

In this meeting we discussed one of the best known aspects of the Rojava revolution, Democratic Confederalism! But where lots of talks discuss Democratic Confederalism’s technical and structural features, in this meeting we’ll discuss what it means to build a movement for a democratic society: a society of free individuals able to govern themselves.

Click here to listen to the recording.

KSN is in the process of putting together a new series of education events on the politics of the Kurdish Freedom Movement. Watch this space for details.



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