Roja Reş: Apo 18 Years in Prison Today

18 years ago today, Abdullah Ocalan, colloquially known as Apo, was illegally captured as a result of an international plot by the Turkish state and other international powers, including the UK.

Kurds call this their “Roja Reş” (dark day) and refer to the capture of Apo as the “International Conspiracy”.

Marches and demonstrations have taken place all over the world, including in Italy, SwedenBashur (Kurdish Iraq) Manbij and Qamishlo in Rojava and 15,000 gathered in Strasbourg at the culmination of a long march from Luxembourg. KCK (Kurdistan Communities Union) Executive Council Co-President Cemil Bayık made a statement over video at the rally. YJA-Star (Free Women’s Troops) Central Headquarters Command has issued a written statement.

A member of the Kurdish community in London said:

On this Roja Reş (Dark Day) we must recognise and salute the 18 year resistance of Serok Apo and the roadmap he set out for us to build a democratic and ecological society with women’s liberation at it’s centre.

The international conspiracy headed by the Turkish state has been defeated by the resistances of Kurdistan but, we are at another historical juncture, taking from our historical experiences, we must move forward with a strong-will and the determination to never again allow another plot to be staged against our movement. This is the most important duty and responsibility of Kurdish youth and their comrades.

We promise we will not stop until Serok Apo is free. We will not stop until we avenge the sacrifices of our Martyrs.

Abdullah Öcalan has received only one visit from his brother since April 2015, and his lawyers and all other visitors have been blocked from seeing him during that time.

An international delegation of 13 people from Europe including parliamentarians and academics has just applied to visit him in İmralı Island Prison.

“We started with the spirit of the youth, with the spirit of the youth we will succeed” ~ A.Öcalan

Be Serok Jiyan Nabe!
Bîjî Serok Apo!

Freedom For Ocalan!

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