Talk in York. Eyewitness Rojava: the Kurdish revolution in Syria

18 January at 19:30–21:00

The Crescent Community Venue

8 The Crescent, YO24 1AW York

The media only tell one story about Syria: violent Islamism that represses women’s rights and seeks a religious dictatorship. But a part of Syria is also witnessing an inspiring grassroots-democratic and feminist revolution. This talk and discussion is aimed at anyone who’s interested in reshaping society, whether they’ve heard of Rojava (or Kobane) or not.

Eyewitnesses to war and revolution: the complex situation in Rojava

There has been a lot of talk about the revolution in Rojava, the embattled Kurdish northern part of Syria where Kurdish forces are fighting ISIS while transforming their own society at home along revolutionary democratic, socialist, and feminist lines.

Two anarchists who have recently returned from several months living and working in Rojava will report on the realities of the situation there. Looking at topics such as gender, religion, economics, healthcare, and defence they will describe people’s daily struggles, the organisational structures, the politics behind them, and the relationships between all of those things. The talk will consider how deep the changes really go, what they might mean for us in terms of our support, and what lessons there might be for social movements here.

After the talk there will be a question and answer session.

(This talk is the first of a wide-ranging series designed to widen horizons for York’s left. There will be a collection to cover transport costs for visiting speakers).

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