Construction of the “New World Embassy: Rojava” has started in Oslo.

The New World Embassy: Rojava is a temporary embassy that will be constructed in Oslo City Hall, and which represents, through cultural means, the ideals of “stateless democracy” developed by the communities of the autonomous region of Rojava, northern Syria. The embassy will consist of a large-scale oval shaped architectural structure, designed as an “ideological planetarium.”

The Embassy will operate for two consecutive days, bringing representatives from Rojava, Salih Muslim and Sinam Mohamad together with international politicians, diplomats, academics, journalists, students, and artists. Through open deliberation and public discussion the New World Embassy: Rojava proposes a platform to build new transnational relationships and explore alternative models of people’s diplomacy. This includes an analysis of the history, ideals, and implementation of stateless democracy; of the successes of Rojava in building a new civil society in a war-torn region; and finally the alternative that Rojava proposes in order to confront the crises of democracy seen on a global scale.

Please read about the program:

The New World Embassy: Rojava is a collaboration between the Democratic Self-Administration of Rojava and Studio Jonas Staal.

The project is part of the Oslo Architecture Triennale 2016, After Belonging: A Triennale In Residence, On Residence and the Ways We Stay in Transit, and funded and co-produced by KORO – Kunst i offentlige rom / Public Art Norway (URO).

The New World Embassy: Rojava is freely accessible to all but due to limited seating it is advised to register through


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