27-Nov. Nottingham- Stand against Turkish State fascism!

The Turkish State has unleashed a brutal attack targeting Kurds, socialists and activists. Turkey is aiming to exterminate the Kurdish and Democratic movements inside its borders, while at the same time it co-laborates with ISIS to supress the Kurdish movements in the Middle East. Using the failed coup as a stepping stone to further escalate its existing oppression, Turkey now compares to a dictatorship. Erdogan, the Presindent of Turkey and leader of the governing AKP party in Turkey, has turned Turkey into one of the most oppressive countries in the world. People and Kurds, Alevis, activists and journalists in specific are not only being opressed but are held at gunpoint. The democratically elected HDP party MPs and co-leaders Demirtas and Yuksekdag were arrester and imprisoned, to further silence democratic opposition and the Kurdish movement in Turkey. Standing in solidarity with the Kurds and Democrats suffering in the fascist regime of Turkey we call you to join us in our protest against the Turkish State.

Sun, 27 November, 13:00 – 16:00
Old market square, NG1 2BY Nottingham.



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