Free women’s village in Rojava: Jinwar

DIRBESIYE – In Rojava, the Free Women’s Village Construction Committee of Kongra Star has begun to build a women’s village named “Jinwar” against violence against women.

While the women, who create the revolution in Rojava, continue to build life, they continue their original works in everywhere. A village has been begun to be built near Dirbesiye city of Cizîr Canton. The women’s village named “Jinwar” has been begun to be built by only women’s solidarity. The infrastructure works of the life village, which is an alternative to violence against women, has continued. On February, mud-brick houses will be built based on principles of ecological life. The details of the project will be shared later. The Free Women’s Village Construction Committee of Kongra Star issued a press statement while women were planting seedling. Heval Rumet from Academy of Jineoloji, memorialized Mirabal sisters on occasions of 25 November as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and stated that they put the project of Jinwar free women’s village into practice against violence against women.

Heval, who pointed out that women had been faced a women’s genocide, said, “Gendered ideology raises men as a potential to kill women. The life of every woman without self-will, self-consciousness, self-organization and self-defense is in danger. The women, whose physical life isn’t in danger, have faced their language, culture, feelings, thoughts and labor to be stolen and killed. In this sense, standing against the women’s genocide requires a multilateral organization and working with love. The projects and struggles require ensuring that the name of the woman is not referred to death but to our historical culture equals life again.”

Heval emphasized they would continue with great assertion and belief to develop the free women’s spaces under the leadership of Jineology, Women-Life-Society science, and Free Women’s Foundation. Heval expressed that they had planted seedling for all women killed and subjected to assaults.”

One comment

  1. Is it possible for an American woman to volunteer to help build this village? I am very interested in assisting. Thank you.

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