Taking action for the Spring Offensive

The winter’s quiet, depth and time of brewing in the dark is ending. We start to look outside ourselves again as the world wakes up around us – the days longer, the sun higher, flowers poking up from what you would have thought was nothing but mud and frost. Our resistance has also been germinating in the dark, and just like a tree bare of leaves isn’t dead, it’s getting ready to blossom again, a quiet time doesn’t mean we’ve gone away.

Rise Up For Rojava, Women Defend Rojava, Make Rojava Green Again and other solidarity campaigns have declared a ‘Spring offensive’, a push to take action, both for and against: against the forces of oppression and for the world we know we can create and be. As KSN we are joining the offensive with a mix of different activities. Check out our facebook and twitter or drop us an email for more information on how you can be involved or details of events.

15th March Commemorations of Anna Campbell, killed by the Turkish state in the invasion of Afrin on the 15th March 2018. SOAS university are holding an event introducing the Rojava Revolution and discussing its meaning internationally. This event will be dedicated to Anna and discuss her role as an internationalist revolutionary, with a message from YPJ spokeswoman Nesrine Abdullah in Rojava.

  • Bristol Kurdistan Solidarity Network will remember Anna by writing letters and leaving dedications at the tree planted for her in St George

18th March Political Prisoners Day – we will be writing letters to political prisoners, and meeting to post them when we can. Get in touch for information on who you or your group could write to. The facebook event page is here:

19 March Global Climate Action Day

19-21st March Newroz, Kurdish new year! We will be joining celebrations and demonstrations and resistance. Follow us for more details!

21-28th March This week we will be remembering those we have lost, our fallen comrades from here to Kurdistan, what they keep alive in us and how we remember them by carrying on the fight.

04 April Abdullah Öcalan’s birthday – we will be tree planting in our local collectives. We encourage you to plant a tree anywhere it can grow and be cared for, and get in touch with pictures to let us know!

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