How can we give safe and effective help?
The Kurdistan-Turkey-Syria Earthquake has claimed over 35,000 lives so far, this emergency has displaced over 6 million people. While people ask themselves how they can give safe and effective help, the cold fact is that much of the aid raised across the world is not being used to help some of the worst Kurdish majority areas devestated by this emergency.
Many emergency funds are being diverted as a matter of fact via governments, no matter how corrupt, brutal and oppressive. Which is why while the Turkish state under Erdogan and Assad’s regime can continue to commit war-crimes against their own people, repressing Kurds, women and minorities – still the emergency funds go through them.
Support the Kurdish Red Crescent!
Which is why we urge people to donate to the Kurdish Red Crescent (Heyva Sor), because they have decades of experience in the disaster zone. They reach regions where governments block aid and other NGOs can’t enter.
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Tell people to be vigilant about who they donate to. Help us by spreading our Social Media pictures on your feeds, whether Snap Chat, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or where ever. (See the bottom of this message.)
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Donate to our fundraiser to help people directly affected by the earthquake
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